I am always on the lookout for healthy alternatives for my son, and Balance Water from Australia has impressed me enough to want to tell you all about it!
Balance Water for Children [6 - 13.5 fl oz (400 ml) bottles @ $7.49-$7.99] is an unflavored, homeopathic bottled water that is designed specifically for kids and their needs. With 4 essential Australian flower essences to help calm, focus, and concentrate it is more than just your basic bottle of water. The 4 essences are Black-Eyed Susan (for focus, concentration, and channeling of energy), Crowea (to help center and calm), Bush Fuchsia (balances the brain between creativity and analyzing) , and Paw-Paw (helps with feeling overwhelmed) and I must say, I noticed a bit of calm come over Jonah after he drank some of the Balance Water. Now, I don’t know if it really worked or not, and I know a lot of people will be skeptical of the actual effectiveness of the water, but my thought is, it doesn’t hurt to try.
I’ll be honest, I was skeptical of homeopathic remedies prior to using them regularly with my son, and sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. But I am far more inclined to try out a homeopathic remedy before jumping to a more chemical-based alternative. So my honest opinion behind Balance Water is that if I can provide my son with a drink that he will actually DRINK, and even if only “sometimes” it helps him in the areas listed above, I am going to give him that alternative because a more natural alternative is far safer than a chemical based one.
Aside from Balance Water for Children, they also have a few other waters to choose from.
Water for the Mind ~ provides help with focus, concentration, and has a centering effect on the body
Water for Women ~ provides the same help as Water for the Mind, with additional flower essences to help control mood swings, menstrual cramps, and fertility
Water for Traveling ~ provides help against fatigue, jet lag, and stress
Balance Water can be found at select stores and is soon to be carried at Babies R Us & Toys R Us stores across the U.S.
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