Friday, April 17, 2009

Sorry for the Delay....

I want to apologize to my readers and companies I have been working with. I have had a huge delay in reviewing products you have sent and products I have been dying to tell you about. With the birth of my new baby girl, Lily I have been going through a lot of adjustment issues. I have been needing to find new ways to live and cope with life as it has been given to me, directly resulting in not being able to devote as much time to my internet obligations as I once did. I am going to set a goal of ONE review/giveaway a week, and as time goes on and life gets a little easier, I will try to up the amount of posts gradually. Thank you for understanding and if you need to contact me, please shoot me an email at sharingmyinstincts AT comcast DOT net.

And if you want to keep up with life as I find time to post at my personal blog, you can find me at Mommy Instincts.

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